Publicada el martes, 7 de abril de 2015 | Actualizada el jueves, 9 de abril de 2015

Flows and Assets Report | First Quarter 2015


Divergent monetary policy paths and US dollar appreciation have?driven capital flows during the period. Our models suggest that flows moderated further and the re-allocation process ?is still? alive. Global factors ?remain key drivers, but local factors are emerging. Flows will still adjust but more moderately than before. Russian assets recovered but risks remain.


  • Etiquetas de Geografía
  • Global



Gonzalo De Cadenas Santiago
Álvaro Ortiz BBVA Research - Responsable de Análisis con Big Data
Sonsoles Castillo BBVA Research - Economista Jefe para el Análisis Económico y Financiero
Cristina Varela BBVA Research - Economista Principal
Alejandro Neut BBVA Research - Economista Líder
Irene Roibas Millan

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Informe (PDF)

Flow_and_Assets Report_Q12015_public

Inglés - 7 de abril de 2015

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