Publicada el martes, 7 de abril de 2015 | Actualizada el martes, 7 de abril de 2015

The Iran deal: a positive step in the centrifuge-oil balance


The P5+1 countries and Iran announced a comprehensive action plan last week which should be completed before next June. The presented parameters mean a significant reduction on Iranian nuclear capacity and, even more important, an increased role for monitoring. In exchange for it, sanctions on Iran would be removed gradually. Uncertainty about the oil price impact remains.


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Álvaro Ortiz BBVA Research - Responsable de Análisis con Big Data
Tomasa Rodrigo BBVA Research - Economista Líder

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Global_Hot_Topic. The Iran deal. A positive step in the centrifuge-oil balance

Inglés - 7 de abril de 2015

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