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22 noviembre 2016
China | Revising outbound FDI figures downwards
China’s share of global ODI stocks may be larger than previously thought if we factor in Hong Kong’s role as an offshore center. That said, our estimates show that MOFCOM figures overstate ODI flows, raising questions regarding the country’s status as a net creditor.
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8 junio 2015
China’s ODI: How much goes where after round-tripping and offshoring?
In this paper we recalculate China's Outbound Foreign Direct Investments (ODI) in a way which accounts for round-tripping and offshoring. Our estimates show that China's ODI flows and stocks may have been overestimated and may be more diversified that previously thought.
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1 septiembre 2009
Foreign Direct Investment in Cross-Border Infrastructure Projects 1
In this paper we critically review the relevant information and literature and that can enhance the feasibility and the successful implementation of cross-border infrastructure projects.
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